The Football Association of Ireland (FAI) Referee Beginners courses are run on a regional basis according to the need for Referees in any area. In order to undertake a course participants must be over 16 years of age.

The course consists of 15 hours tuition and usually takes place over 2 days at the weekend. Following successful completion of the course, and subject to Garda Vetting approval, you will be registered as a Referee with the FAI and allocated to a League within your area.

Information and registration for courses is available through the FAI website at…………….

FAI Registered referees are also require to undertake an Irish Sports Council Child Welfare Awareness course, details of these course are available on the FAI website (Referees under 18 years of age are exempt from the Child Welfare Awareness Course)

Once you register for a course, further information about the requirements of the course will be sent to you prior to the start of the course.